image projection中文什么意思

发音:   用"image projection"造句
  • image:    n. 1.像,肖像,画像;偶像。 2 ...
  • projection:    n. 1.射出,投掷,发射,喷射。 ...
  • projection image:    投影图象; 投影像,映像
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  1. An institutional advertising approach as means of bank image projection has become particularly relevant .
  2. Aiming at the common problems about the incline of biochip image , the automatic image rotation correction is realized by analyzing the power spectrum density of image projection
  3. Chapter 2 exposits the principle of the airborne isar imaging of ship targets in detail using the concept of image projection plan and effective rotating vector . and some imaging results under every ship sway ( roll , pitch and yaw ) are presented
  4. Rather , in this paper , two straightforward image projection techniques , termed image principal component analysis ( 1mpca ) and image fisher linear discriminant analysis ( imlda ) , are respectively developed to overcome the weakness of the conventional pca and lda as applied in image feature extraction
  5. Based on work of w . clem karl etc . , the quasi - newton iteration method for solving the optimization problem of sar imaging is derived , the sparse projection matrix tsof sar imaging is constructed , by replacing the original sar imaging projection matrix t with ts , the computation efficiency of peak - enhanced sar imaging is improved greatly
    在w . clemkarl等工作的基础上,导出了求解峰值特征增强sar成像优化问题的准牛顿迭代方法,建立了sar成像稀疏投影矩阵t _ s ,通过用t _ s代替原始sar成像投影矩阵了,有效提高了峰值特征增强sar成像方法的计算效率。


  1. image processing, image manipulation 什么意思
  2. image processor 什么意思
  3. image processor graphics 什么意思
  4. image processor unit 什么意思
  5. image project 什么意思
  6. image projection system 什么意思
  7. image projection tra formation 什么意思
  8. image projection transformation 什么意思
  9. image projector assembly 什么意思
  10. image properties 什么意思



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